7 Ways Cold Showers and Plunges Help Fight Addiction

Cold plunges, cold showers, and cold immersion of all kinds has a long history and is said to have many benefits for athletes, physical health, and mental health. But it can also play an important role in PMO recovery if you're willing to through yourself into the deep end.

Scary? Yeah. But...

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How to Get Rid of Unwanted Fetishes (cuckold, trans, femdom, etc.)

Many chronic porn users dislike the types of sexual content they have started getting off to. Here's what I tell them.

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How you are teaching yourself to RELAPSE forever

Learned helplessness will hold you back from building healthy habits and changing your life.

By setting big goals or standards that you fail to keep, you teach yourself that you're a failure. You lose the sense of joy you used to feel in pursuing your aspirations, you lose trust in yourself, and...

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This LIE about Willpower will end your nofap streak

As an addiction recovery coach, I work with a lot of people who could benefit from some more willpower. We all want it: The strength of will to carry out one’s decisions, wishes, or plans. But we never seem to have enough of it, and we don’t know how to get more of it.

Ego depletion...

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Six keys for FREEDOM from addiction, depression, self-destruction

As an addiction recovery coach, I work with a lot of people whose lives aren’t what they want them to be. For addicts, the relationship between their addiction and the quality of the rest of their lives runs in both directions. The more they use, the worse every aspect of their lives...

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Build or destroy any habit with BJ Fogg's 'Tiny Habits'

The best book I've ever encountered on understanding habits is Tiny Habits by behavioral scientist and Stanford professor BJ Fogg. Many other authors, such as James Clear of Atomic Habits, have learned from BJ Fogg's own research on human behavior. But for my money, I'd rather learn...

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These things will stop you from recovering.

You might not be using porn anymore, but are you still cheating yourself out of full recovery? A subscriber requested that I cover "porn adjacent" content or "porn substitutes", as I call them. Here we go.

Anon's words are in italics. My comments and responses are in bold.

Would you do a video...

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How do I warn the kids in my life about the dangers of porn?

I've got a letter from a recovering porn addict who is doing really well in his own journey. However, he has begun to see the same changes in his nephew that he saw in himself when he got hooked on porn at a young age. What can he do about it?

Anon's letter

Hey Noah, I was at my sister's house...

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How do I end the cycle of fap relapse?

I've got a letter from a young man who for most of his life has used porn and experience PIED. Several times he has gotten good streaks and experienced great benefits, but he continues to relapse and go back to his old ways.

Anon's words are in italics. My comments and responses...
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The Unseen Battle: Teen Triumphs over Porn-Induced Erectile Dysfunction

I've got a letter from a 17-year-old guy who's managed to heal from his crippling porn-induced erectile dysfunction. Let's see how he did it!

Anon's words are in italics. My comments and responses are in bold.

First of all, I want to thank you and the no fap/porn recovery community. You guys...

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"Recovering from PIED in secret as I prepare to get married" - Good idea?
I've got an email today from a rebooter with PIED, trying to recover in secret while dating the woman he hopes to marry.

Anon's words are in italics. My comments and responses are in bold.

My porn addiction started when l was in final year at basic school. I was ignorant of the...

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The worst sex advice you've heard this year

 I have some Google Alerts set up so that I am notified when new studies emerge, when I or my work is mentioned on the Webs, or when someone gives really dumb advice about porn use. I got a pop on that third one recently.

Zachary Zane, author of Boyslut: A Memoir and Manifesto, writes...

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