Lost and addicted since age 14, now at 26 finally pornfree and able to enjoy sex and intimacy coach church recovery tools & advice stories

The following recovery story that I was sent is too long to make a video reading it. However, I wanted to share this narrative, because it is detailed and demonstrates that recovery from porn-induced sexual dysfunction is very possible, even when you think you’re a severe case. Enjoy.


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Raised on a Diet of Internet Porn: The Health Consequences of Long-Term Use coach church stories

This is a presentation I gave on the current scientific understanding of how pornography impacts the brain and how consistent use can result in addiction and sexual and emotional dysfunction.

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Never been this happy before! Healed from PIED (porn-induced erectile dysfunction) coach church stories

Today I share an inspiring success story from someone who found porn very early in life (nine years old), developed porn-induced erectile dysfunction (PIED) before he ever had his first kiss, and then struggled for years to recover–but did it. He again shows us that recovery from...

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A story of porn addiction and recovery coach church recovery tools & advice

This is my personal story of recovery from pornography addiction and porn-induced sexual dysfunction in late 2014.

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Is masturbation healthy or not?

Is masturbation good for you? Is it bad for you? Is it “natural?” Can it be helpful for someone in recovery from porn addiction and/or porn-induced sexual dysfunction?

These are some of the questions I hear often and encourage people to ask when they come to me for help with their...

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Is it severe Porn-Induced Erectile Dysfunction or some physical problem?

In this video coaching newsletter I respond to a gentleman (Anon) who believes he has severe porn-induced erectile dysfunction to the point of being unable to achieve an erection even with porn. He asks me if this indicates some other physical problem and wonders how to go about achieving full...

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Educating your kids about Internet pornography with author Kristen Jenson interview

Kristen Jenson is the author of Good Pictures Bad Pictures, a line of books that helps parents have educational conversations with their kids about Internet pornography.

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