And this is my unashamed story of porn addiction and recovery...
For the past 8 years I have been able to help hundreds of men successfully rewire their brain's dependency on porn, naturally reverse any porn-induced sexual dysfunctions they were burdened with, and reclaim the fulfilling lives they were meant to live...
Here's how:

My 1on1 Coaching and Consultations can be done over phone, video call or email. We can discuss any aspect of recovery from porn addiction and/or PISD's, including general self-development and navigating intimate relationships. I will answer your questions, clarify your goals, and help you achieve whatever outcome you want.

The Complete Reboot Package is the greatest resource to rewiring porn addiction & reversing sexual dysfunctions on the internet.
With over 80+ highly in-depth (and scientifically-backed) videos, I lay out a step-by-step blueprint for you to follow on the path to liberation.
Everything you need to reclaim erections, sex, relationships, brain function, confidence, and ambition is inside (+ you get free access to the Reboot club.)
No I can't guarantee that you'll be cured by tomorrow, but I can guarantee that this is the last solution you'll ever need for your porn problem.

Gain access to our private Discord server and become part of a team of men focused on healing and growth! I also host videocalls weekly/month (depending on plan) where you get a chance to directly speak with me and get your questions answered.
And back in 2014 I published my own book!
"Wack: Addicted to Internet Porn"
Subscribe to my e-mail list and get my eBook, "Wack: Addicted To Internet Porn" for free!
Wack contains:
• A scientific exploration of Internet porn’s effects on its users
• An examination of how the rise of porn has influenced our culture
• Dozens of personal accounts of porn addiction and recovery (including my own)
• A complete, 13-step guide for those who would like to quit the porn habit and heal themselves of porn-induced symptoms
• An analysis of how parents must evolve to raise children in a pornified world

If you are interested in contracting me to speak at your event, school, conference, radio show, podcast, etc about the dangers of porn in a scientific and/or personal capacity, you have a success story you'd like to share with me, or you have any feedback/questions about my work, feel free to email me at "[email protected]".