"I just want to be cured of PIED. This is the last straw" coach church recovery tools & advice

I respond to a subscriber letter as he describes the highs and lows of his battle against porn addiction to finally be free of porn-induced erectile dysfunction.

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Educating your kids about Internet pornography with author Kristen Jenson interview

Kristen Jenson is the author of Good Pictures Bad Pictures, a line of books that helps parents have educational conversations with their kids about Internet pornography.

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The Pornfree Mindset for Lasting Recovery recovery tools & advice

I now acknowledge, no matter my past illusions, that pornography is harmful to me.

I recognize that though some people are able to view pornography occasionally without becoming addicted to it or developing acute symptoms such as sexual dysfunction, emotional distress, or relationship strife, I...

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Pornfree in the Pandemic ~ How to maintain recovery in quarantine coach church recovery tools & advice

Many of you right now in April 2020 are likely having a tougher time staying pornfree and optimistic given the global pandemic lockdown restrictions that most of us are living under. As one recent client put it:

How can I survive the urge during this quarantine time? No gym, No people outside. I...

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